What education experts say:
“To educate students in the Information Age instead of the Industrial
Age, we need Information Age products and materials that support
Information Age thinking. BrainWare Safari is on the cutting edge of
preparing students to be Information Age thinkers using exercises that
develop their ability to recognize patterns, solve problems and think
more effectively.”
Ron Kraft, Superintendent, Harbor Beach, Michigan
“BrainWare is by far the most effective single program that I have seen in
my 40 years of experience. It is capable of radically improving the success
level of nearly ALL students in a fraction of the time required by other
Peter Kline, author of The Everyday Genius
“Almost nothing I have seen has the ability to develop the cognitive skills
that kids need to be able to think and plan. When I saw BrainWare Safari,
I was impressed. I am endorsing it wholeheartedly because it works and
because I think it is what we really need for our kids.”
Dr. Patricia Wolfe, author of Brain Matters
What parents say:
“The first time Brendan started to use BrainWare Safari, he became so thoroughly engaged that he did not want to stop. He actually set his alarm clock for an hour earlier the next morning so he could do more BrainWare. His teacher observed that he is more focused in school and more confident in his ability to independently complete his classroom and homework assignments.”
Donna C, grandmother of Brendan (age 12)
“BrainWare Safari has helped Zoie think outside of the box, learning
to solve problems, not just in one set way, but incorporating different,
more creative and visual functions. I loved to see the big smile as
she passed levels. “
Veranda W., mother of Zoie (age 7)
“BrainWare is a miracle. I would have paid anything for it now that I
have seen what it can do to help my son grow his brain right before
my eyes.”
Chana F